Journal Articles

Bos, I. M. A. Marini, R. Saulle, (2024) "Myopic Oligopoly Pricing", Games and Economic Behavior, 145, 377-412. 

Gabszewicz, J., M. A. Marini, S. Zanaj, (2023) "Random Encounters and Information Diffusion about Product Quality", Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32, 2, 348-376.

Bos, I., M. A. Marini, (2023) "Oligopoly Pricing: The Role of Firm Size and Number", Games, 14,3, 1-16.

Kopel, M., M. A. Marini, (2022) "Mandatory Disclosure of Managerial Contracts in NGOs", Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 199. 65-85.

Marini, M. A., Tarola, O., J.-F.Thisse (2022) "When Is Environmentalism Good for the Environment?", Environmental & Resource Economics, 82, 1, 1-28. Supplementary Material

Bos, I., M. A. Marini, (2021), "Collusion in Quality-Segmented Markets", Journal of Public Economic Theory, DOI: 10.1111/jpet.12558.

Aldashev, G., M. A. Marini, T. Verdier, (2020), "Samaritan Bundles: Fundrasing Competition and Inefficient Clustering in NGO Projects", The Economic Journal130, 630,1541-1582. Media Coverage: VoxDev

Bos, I. M. A. Marini, R. Saulle, (2020) "Cartel Formation under Vertical Product Differentiation", Mathematical Social Sciences, 106, 33-50.

Bos, I., M. A. Marini  (2019) "Cartel Stability under Quality Differentiation", Economics Letters, 174, 70-73 (extended version with additional material).

Gabszewicz, J. J. M. A. Marini, A., O. Tarola,  (2019), "Endogenous Mergers in Markets with Vertically Differentiated Products", The B. E. of Theoretical Economics, 19, 1.

Conti, C., M. A. Marini  (2019), "Are You the Right Partner? R&D Agreement as a Screening Device",  Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 8, 3, 243-264.

Marini, M., A., P. Polidori, D. Teobaldelli, D. Ticchi, (2018) "Optimal Incentives in a Principal-Agent Model with Endogenous Technology", Games, 2018, 9(1).

Gabszewicz, J. J., M. A. Marini, O. Tarola, (2017)  "Vertical Differentiation and Collusion: Pruning or Proliferation?", Research in Economics, 71,1, 129-139.

Gabszewicz, J. J., M. A. Marini, O. Tarola (2016) "Core Existence in Vertically Differentiated Markets", (2016), Economics Letters, 149, 28-3

Currarini, S., M. A. Marini, (2015) "Coalitional Approaches to Collusive Agreements in Oligopoly Games", Manchester School, 83, 3, 253–378. 

Marini, M., A., P. Polidori, D.Teobaldelli, A. Zevi, (2015)  "Welfare Enhancing Coordination in Consumer Cooperatives under Mixed Oligopoly", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 86, 3, 505-527.

Aldadshev, G., M. Marini, T. Verdier, (2014) "Brothers in Alms? Coordination between Nonprofits on Markets for Donations",  Journal of Public Economics, 117, 182-200.

Kopel, M., M. A. Marini (2014) "Erratum to: Strategic Delegation in Consumer Cooperatives under Mixed Oligopoly", Journal of Economics, 113, 297. 

Kopel, M., M. A. Marini (2014), "Strategic Delegation in Consumer Cooperatives under Mixed Oligopoly", Journal of Economics, 113, 275-296. 

Marini, M.A., M. L. Petit, R. Sestini,2014) "Strategic Timing in R&D Agreements", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 23, 3, 274-303. 

Rodano, G., M. A. Marini (2013), "Lead, Follow or Cooperate? Sequential vs. Collusive Payoffs in Symmetric Duopoly Games", International Scholarly Research Network, ISRN Economics,  Volume 2013, article ID 645481, 1-10.

Currarini, S., M. A. Marini (2013), "Majority Rules and Coalitional Stability", Economics Bulletin, 33,3, 1660-1668. 

Currarini, S., M. A. Marini (2013), "Sequential Play and Cartel Stability in Cournot Oligopoly",  Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 4, 197-200.

Marini, M.A. (2013), "The Sequential Core of an Economy with Environmental Externalities", (2013), Environmental Sciences, 2, 1, 79-82.

Marini, M.A., "Managers Compensation and Collusive Behaviour under Cournot Oligopoly", Applied Mathematical Sciences,  (2013) 7, 4, 201- 209.  

Marini, M.A. (2012), "Earnings, Coalitions and the Stability of Firms",  Applied Mathematical Sciences, 6,  139, 6943-6957.

Currarini, S., M. A. Marini (2012), "On the Effect of Premia and Penalties on Optimal Portfolio Choice", International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, 7, 47, 2341 - 2344.

Marini, M.A., A. Zevi, (2011) "Just One of Us: Consumers Playing Oligopoly in Mixed Markets", Journal of Economics, 104, 3, 239-263. 

Currarini, S., M. A. Marini., (2011) "Kinked Norms of Behaviour and Cooperation", Economics Letters, 110, 3, 223-225.  

Currarini, S., M. A. Marini,  (2009),  "The Kinked Demand Model and the Stability of Cooperation",  Journal of Business & Economics, 1, 1, p. 38-55.

Marini, M.A.,  (2006), "The Value of a New Idea: Knowledge Trasmission, Workers' Mobility & Market Structure", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 29, 3, pp. 697-706.

Currarini, S., M. A.. Marini, (2006) Coalition Formation in Games without Synergies”,  International Game Theory Review,  8, 1,  111-126 

Marcucci, E., M. A. Marini, D. Ticchi, (2005), “Road Pricing as a Citizen-candidate Game”, European Transport, 31, 28-45. 

Marini, M.A., A. Zevi, (1998), “European Cooperative Legislation Reform: a First Assessment from a Bargaining Point of View”, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 1, 83- 103. 

Marini, M.A.,(1996),"Property Rights and Market: Employee Privatization as a Cooperative Bargaining Process”, Economic Systems, 4, 20, pp. 273-305.


Ma., W., M. A. Marini, D. Rahut, (2023) Farmers’ Organizations and Sustainable Development: An Introduction”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics,

Marini, M.A., B. Thiry, (2018), "An Enduring Research Platform in Public and Cooperative Economics: a Centennial Perspective", 89, 1, 1-8, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.

Kopel, M., M. A. Marini (2016) "Organization and Governance in Social Economy Enterprises", 87, 3, 309-313, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.

Aldadshev, G., M. Marini, T. Verdier, (2015) "Governance of Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization, Within-and-Between- Organization Analyses: an Introduction", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 86, 1, 1-5. 


Corchon, L. C., M. A. Marini (ads.)  (2018), Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume 1: Theory, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA.

Corchon, L. C., M. A. Marini . (ads.)  (2018), Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume 2: Applications, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA.

Chapters in Books

"Introduction" in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization: Theory, (2018), L. Corchon and M. Marini (eds.), Edward Elgar, Chelthenam, UK, Northampton, MA, USA.

"Introduction" in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization: Applications, (2018), L. Corchon and M. Marini (eds.), Edward Elgar, Chelthenam, UK, Northampton, MA, USA.

"Collusive Agreements in Vertically Differentiated Markets" (2018),  chapter 19 in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization: Applications, L. Corchon and M. Marini (eds.), Edward Elgar, Chelthenam, UK, Northampton, MA, USA-

Marini, M.A., (2009), "Games of Coalition & Network Formation: a Survey" in Naizmada A.K. et al. (eds.). Networks, Topology and Dynamics, Lectures Notes   in Economics & Mathematical Systems, 613, 67-93, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.        

"A Conjectural Cooperative equilibrium in Strategic Form Games", (2004),  in Carraro C.  Fragnelli V. (eds.) Game Practise and the Environment.  Edward Elgar. (with S. Currarini)

A Sequential Approach to the Characteristic Function and  the Core in Games with Externalities”, (2003) in Koray S. and Sertel, M. R. (eds.), pp.233-250,  Advances in Economic Design, Springer Verlag, Berlin & London. (with S. Currarini)

“Political Acceptability of Road Pricing Policies under Individual Specific Uncertainty”, (2003)  in Schade J., Schlabe, K. (eds.) Acceptability of Transport  Pricing Strategies, pp.279-297. Elsevier Science. (with E. Marcucci)

“Stable Producer Co-operatives in Competitive Markets”, (1998) in Bartlett,  W., Uvalic, M., Jones D.C., Svejnar J. (eds.), Advances in the Economic Analysis of  Participatory and Labour-Managed Firms, Lexington Mass., JAI Press, pp.213-229.

“Italian Cooperative Movement and Cooperative  Principles”, (1996), in Monzon Campos J.L., Spear J., Thomas A. and Zevi A. (eds.), Cooperatives,  Markets and Cooperatives Principles, Liege, Ciriec International Edition, 1, pp.205-233, (with A. Zevi).

Articles in Italian

“Il caso dei derivati del Comune di Milano e la crisi del sistema economico finanziario: il modello di deterrenza del D.lgs n. 231/01 riletto alla prova della realtà”, (2013) Studi Urbinati di scienze giuridiche, politiche ed economiche. Nuova serie A, Vol. 64, n. 1-2, 2013 (con G. Marra e P. Polidori).

 “Il compromesso fra costi e benefici, individuali e sociali, nelle scelte che coinvolgono la vita umana”  (2013) Studi Urbinati di scienze giuridiche, politiche ed economiche. Nuova serie A, Vol. 64, n. 1-2, 2013 (con P. Polidori).

“La cooperazione Italiana e i principi cooperativi”, (1998), Economia Pubblica, 7-8, pp.339-349. (with A. Zevi).

"L'occupazione nelle cooperative di produzione e lavoro: i risultati di un'indagine di campo'', (1993) Rivista della Cooperazione, 10, pp.43-48 (with G. Guerrieri and O. Nazzaro').

 "Le imprese di proprietà dei lavoratori”, (1990) Small Business, 2, pp.45-63 (with A- Zevi)    


Wage Determination and Firm's Behaviour under Strategic Market Competition. (1998), PhD Dissertation, September 1998, London School of Economics.

Property Rights and the Product Market: the Strategic Interaction. (1993).  Tesi di Dottorato V ciclo, Università di Roma, “La Sapienza”, 1993.

Works in Progress

Bos, I., G. Maccarrone, M. A. Marini (2024) "Anti-consumerism: Stick or Carrot?"

Cirulli, V., Marini, G.,  M. A. Marini, O.R. Straume (2022) "Do Hospital Mergers Reduce Waiting Times? Theory and Evidence from the English NHS"

Maccarrone G., M. A. Marini, O. Tarola (2022) "'Shop Until You Drop!': The Effects of Anti-consumerism and Environmentalism on the Environment",

Marini, M. A., S. Nocito (2023), "Climate Activism Favors Pro-environmental Consumption"

Bos, I. Marini, M. A., B. Cesi (2023), "Collusion with Anchored-Buyers and Vertically Differentiated Goods"

Marini, M. A., R.D. Saulle (2022),  J.-F. Thisse, "Monopolistic Competition and Quality Differentiation".